Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Many Faces of Sleeping Violet

Violet has always slept in the craziest of places. Using strange things as pillows. With all of her feet up in the air. Dangling off of a bed, or a coffee table. You name it. So here is a little compilation of sleeping Violets. Before you get the idea that she just runs around sleeping every chance she gets - come on, folks, she's a Collie. She's a holy terror. It seems like she never sleeps. But when she does, well, she's a Collie. She's entertaining even when she's unconscious.






  1. Pawsome sleep positions. Some of which are very familiar.

  2. Our collies have been caught sleeping in solar positions....must be a collie thing!

  3. Hahaha! I love the pictures where she has her butt propped up against the wall/cupboards/door, too funny. I catch Petal sleeping in very strange and hilarious positions too. Lassie also use to sleep in very crazy positions, but nowadays I mostly find him using random items as pillows.
    Keep it up, Violet! You're so silly!

  4. These made me laugh! Thank you! And the puppy pictures are beyond adorable.
