Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I would just sure hate for anyone to feel deprived of Java pictures.

True story: this was originally a much better composed full-body portrait, and in post-processing I noticed, with some horror, that his...little boy parts were...out. The photo looked a lot better bigger, but it was quite noticeable. Can't say that I've ever had that happen while photographing a dog before.

Recall games this afternoon...me to Eric, Eric to me, over and over again with rewards upon arrival. 

He had zoomies, and paused juuust long enough for a picture before sprinting away again. Note the crazed look in his eyes.

Friday, March 23, 2012

You know what's cute?

Politely begging dogs.

Please, mother?

Could you spare some crumbs, mother?

Alms for the poor?

I'm only a starving Collie.

You know what's not cute?
When your dog likes to drink from the toilet.
You know what's even less cute than that?
When they splash toilet water on the bathroom floor because they're messy drinkers.
Damn Collie.
She's lucky she's adorable.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

I've Got This, Guys

On a recent walk, Java decided that he would walk himself. 

It was clearly a skill that he hadn't fully mastered.

He eventually improved his proficiency.

Don't worry, this isn't a "behavior" that's going unchecked. He's normally an outstanding leash walker, he just had other ideas on this particular occasion!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hanging With Nan

We took Violet and Java to visit Eric's grandmother, and her big, friendly Dalmation/Mastiff mix, Kane.

Violet was offended by Kane's advances, he has a totally different, more rough and tumble/less herding breed-eqsue play style than she does, and she had sort of a debutante being flirted with by a redneck attitude when he tried to initiate play. Java thought he was cool, though, and got in some good old fashioned kid-socialization with Eric's cousin, Cassie. And I got a few cute pictures. Win-win!

Not lovebirds.


Monday, March 19, 2012

Master has given a sock.

Is it just me or...

...does Java look a lot like Dobby right now when his ears aren't posted?

Java is a free Doberman and he can obey anyone he likes!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Family Night

 I saved these for a future post, so as not to make the Java/Petunia post even more of a picture overload. I understand that I have a reader who is understandably weirded out by eyeballs, so I'll put more of my ongoing eyeball-project at the very end of the post, all the easier to avoid. :) I can't break the fascination, I expect my eye photo collection will be growing.

Gramps was doing a little gardening while Mom and I took pictures. We had a proper meet and greet with each other's new cameras.

Yeah, it runs in the family. This is all anyone ever sees of either of us.

Mom. My new favorite picture of her. (Laughing, not crying!)

It's eye time, now! Run while you can!





