5 Days: A Boring, But Stressful, Day
- Weather forecast: 62 degrees, 10% chance of rain. It gets better every day!
- Another day of the angry wisdom tooth keeping itself under control.
- Another frosty morning.
- On campus by 8:15 AM. Long gap between arrival and my first class, so I took another sociology test online. I really do hate that stupid class.
- Read How To Sew A Button & Other Nifty Things Your Grandmother Knew. That book is adorable. It seemed fitting, on the eve of the eve of the eve of the eve of the eve of the day that I become someone's wife. Why do I love this book? Paragraphs like this:
- My sister will be joining me at my grandmother's house on Friday night. Yesssss!
- Vending machine lunch with Eric.

- Anthropology class. Ran into my professor in the restroom before class and walked to class with her, talked about wedding stuff. Boring class on the social construction of identity.
- Psychology class...with a lab. Whomp whomp. I think that it was about some variation on identity, too. Taking four social science classes in one semester turned out to be trickier than anticipated. It all blurs together.
- Home, cleaning, stress, frustration, family members not playing well with one another. One time Eric's family had some general drama and his mother not-seriously said that she wanted a stiff drink. Still being fairly new to the family, I asked semi-earnestly, "Is it because your family sucks?" It became a running joke, and I've been thinking about it all day long. Then sorting out a quadruple-million booked Thursday, then a 1.5 hour final phone meeting with the DJ. He has a guest request thing on his website where guests get a login code and can request songs they'd like to hear at the reception. Some highlights: Gangnam Style. Uprising, by Muse. Motivation, by Kelly Rowland (my sister owned up to that one). Some of these songs...they got vetoed.
- Failed attempt at coordinating bridesmaid schedules for the day-of.
- Semi-failed attempt at figuring out who's coming to the rehearsal.
- Kind of a disaster overall, but I guess it's all technically settled.
- A walk with the dogs. Eric's idea. I protested it due to the freezing cold, but it may have been the best part of the day. Admittedly, the standards were not high today. Tomorrow's a new day.
Yaaaaaaaay u girls get a sleepover!! ;-)
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for our "adventure" Friday night!
ReplyDeletePS...only 4 days left and u will mrs. Engle!! I'm so happy Ur happy cuz u deserve nothing but the best sis. I LOVE u!!