Saturday, November 3, 2012

7 Days: Ghetto Bubbles

Today, at the one week mark...

  • Woke up in quite a bit of pain. My other wisdom tooth is now messed up. Really. Seriously. I cannot even believe this. I feel like I went through this exact hell yesterday, and here we go again. I'm beyond frustrated. I'm on antibiotics and pain pills to try to keep it at bay for just one more week. I can have it removed as soon as the wedding is over...technically, I could now, but there are a lot of issues with doing it now. Took some ibuprofen and stayed in bed while I waited for it to kick in. Watched Seventh Heaven. I don't know if you know, but I really love Seventh Heaven. Just as an aside. Eric has been sick with a nasty cold for a few days. Luckily, he woke up much better.
  • Finalized the seating chart. If I do say so, I'm rather proud of my seating chart. I have family members grouped in good ways, and for friends who don't know each other, I have people seated with people that I really think they'll like. Finished that, sent it to the coordinator.
  • Played frisbee with Java. This has become something that he requires on a daily basis.
  • Had some miniwheats and took my sociology test online.
  • Showered and up and at 'em. The wedding dress place gave me this weird deodorant - Dove Clear Tones. Apparently it makes your underarm skintone more even, maybe lighter, so that I can do the Miss America wave with pretty underarms. Truly, I never knew that this was an issue. But I've been using it for a while now, and actually, somehow, they do look nicer. Not sure how I feel about this. Have I been running around with ugly underarms all these years?

  • And off into the cold, terrible rain. I was pretty excited at the 10 day mark, because it meant that the wedding day would be visible on the weather forecast. It's varied in its predictions from 58-61 degrees and from a 10-20% chance of rain. Not bad odds. Right now, it stands at 58, 10%.
  • First stop: my grandmother's house. I have day-of timelines for all of the VIPs (wedding party, parents, vendors...) and I needed to give Granny and Gramps theirs. She didn't know I was coming, and her very cool neighbor was over and her bridesmaid dress happened to be out and being passed around. So our arrival seemed timely.

While there, I encouraged Eric: "Make a face like, 'Wooo! I'm getting married in seven days!' I will show these to our kids someday.'" This skeptical look was the best I got.

Apparently it is a Christmas cactus. Granny says that it blooms twice a year: Thanksgiving, and my birthday (in February).
  •  I will be staying at Granny's house the night before the wedding. Gramps recently installed a  cute little lacy curtain above the sliding door. He said, "There, now you can have a little somethin' sheer. While you sleep." It sounded a little creepy until I realized he meant the curtain. Apparently he is kind of thinking heavily about the hospitality side of things. He says, "If you have a blanket, or a pillow, that you like, you can bring it. To make you more comfortable." He always pronounces "comfortable" like "comf'table." It is ridiculously endearing.

This was her face when she realized that the photographer would be shooting our hair and makeup preparations at her house. "I have to clean!"

We went over the timelines.

She showed me her pearls. "I figured I'd wear pearls, since I'm old."

Then said that she could, alternately, wear a Santa hat.

Picture of my sister's wedding in her bedroom.

Just one more fridge that we're on, along with the "bookmark" that I made Gramps when I was maybe 9 or 10.

My favorite pictures of my grand grandmother (Granny's mother), in her hallway. One day I will actually scan these in, the originals are pretty good quality.

Their dog, Chloe. Chloe will probably forget who I am and kill me in the night on Friday night. She's not particularly nice.
  • Gramps said, "What's your favorite color?" out of the blue (he is famous for out of the blue questions and picking up conversation trains hours after the fact). I said, "Purple. And green. And brown. Why?" He motioned for me to follow him to his closet and said "What shirt should I wear with my suit?" I picked him out a nice sage green dress shirt, and a tie to go with.
  • Next up: our final haircuts. Scissors near my hair always scare me, times a billion seven days before my wedding. My hair lady turned out to be amazing on several levels. My hair looks exactly like it always does, minus split ends, which is exactly what I wanted, and actually exactly what I always want, but somehow I end up losing an extra three inches every time. She gave me some advice that turned out to be, unexpectedly, extremely meaningful. I can't help but think that God put us in the same place at the same time for a reason. Fact is, I was supposed to get this haircut five weeks ago.
  • On to the store for some hair supplies. Ran into Eric's cousin who I work/volunteer with at the daycare in the restroom. Talked wedding. What else? She will be there. Small world.
  • Eric finished the kids' favors with some Goldfish and Skittles while I ate lunch.
  • Had a little "discussion" about whether to have my wisdom tooth out today. He votes yes, I vote no. I see his point (if it gets worse in the next seven days, it will ruin my wedding day), but ultimately I am going to wait. I am on antibiotics to prevent any major health threat, and if I have it out today, I'll be down for days. I don't have days right now. I am going to have to hedge my bets.
  • Went back out on another shopping errand and to mail out the last timeline to a bridesmaid and groomsman that we had hoped to see before the wedding, but every single time we make plans, one of the four of us gets sick.
  • Finished up the venue's online "planner," submitted it.
  • Attempted to pack up the entire load of stuff that will be dropped off with the venue on the 8th. Toasting glasses, ring bearer pillow, favors, centerpieces...all that stuff. We are having bubbles where there would traditionally be rice.

This is what the box looked like. Kind of boring, but cute enough, right? Nice jaunty little bows.
Just kidding. Turns out the bows were kind of like the strawberries on the box of Cheerios. A suggestion. These bowless bubbles looked pretty ghetto. I so badly wanted to just move on and say to myself, "You know what, they're going to get thirty seconds of use and then be in the trash can."
But. I just couldn't, not when I had some ribbon right there.
So, a million tiny bows later...

I was pleased to discover that they at least produce surprisingly great bubbles.

Java demanded neck scritches while I tied a million tiny bows. He seemed of the mind that my time could be spent in any number of superior ways. Hard to argue, but still.

I also had Pandora to keep me company. Looooove this song!

The Knot.

And now, I am exhausted. I had hoped to kick back with some Sims tonight, but I am too tired for even my most enticing household.


  1. I follow for handsome Java, mostly, but I am loving your wedding posts!! The bubble containers look adorable; hope your tooth behaves; and of course, congrats and have a wonderful beautiful wedding day! :)

  2. fingers crossed your wisdom teeth behave. they are such a pain arent they, ive got 2 that have been growing bigger for about 3 years drives me nuts! mouth wash every night seems to keep them from hurting too bad tho.

    glad to hear you give java frizbee play each day. stormy is just the same, but i have to give him atleast 2 separate sessions of frizbee play in a day or he is like a nutcase by night time LOL!!

    Charlene and Stormy

  3. Interesting information on the Dove Clear Tone anti-perspirant, never heard of it before or what it could do. :
