Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011.

Christmas was wonderful. We had breakfast and gift exchange with Mary and Adam, then I baked sugar cookies, The Famous Pearch Cobbler, and Mud Pie, and Eric's family all came over and we had another gift exchange and dinner. The dogs were nearly flawless. I feel very good about them and kids - Cassie was swinging and spinning around and accidentally hit, kicked, fell on Piper I don't know how many times and Piper just sighed. Didn't even relocate herself. Just was like, whatever. Violet didn't jump on anyone a single time.

After dinner, Eric's grandfather announced, "I am 66 years old, and I have only one regret." Someone asked what it was, and he said - "That I didn't know about Brianne's pearch cobbler 66 years ago. Little did I know, 23 years ago, that the person who would bring me my favorite dessert was being born." Jeez. I don't really know what it is about that stuff, but people go a little nuts.

Eric and Adam have been complaining since I've known them that their mother has a long history of never feeding anyone on Christmas. They wake up, have to open everything before they can eat, and dinner never really happens. They have traumatized expressions when they talk about it, like concentration camp survivors. So I got up a little early and made everyone waffles in the waffle maker, before present opening. Banana waffles, chocolate/chocolate chip waffles, cinnamon nutmeg waffles. There was peace in the lands.

Wrapping presents on Christmas Eve.

The dogs each had a stocking.

Christmas garland.

During gift opening.

Mary hearts monkeys. We got her what she decided was a candy jar. I also made her a shadowbox with her sons and (luckily, both male) dogs.

After waffles and stockings and gift exchange and piles of new dog toys, the dogs were both tuckered out. Little did they know, seven family members were en route with food, presents, and noise.

Right when I was on the hunt for a third dessert for Christmas dinner, a blog that I follow called The Life of Rylee shared a recipe for Mud Pie that looked fun and tasty, so I made a mud pie. It's similar to brownies which I'm not a huge fan of myself, but it was very easy to make, came out great, and was a hit with everyone. Thanks for sharing, The Life of Rylee!

You can take the girl out of the veterinary clinic, but you can't take the clinic out of the girl. I decorated the sugar cookies with homemade icing in 1ml syringes. Worked great. When Josie, a fellow member-by-relationship of this family and a fellow ex-vet tech showed up, she sidled up to the counter and said "Nice." Everyone was else was just "Oh my god, what's been in those?" (Nothing, if you're wondering. They were sterile. I had extras from a foster kitten who was on liquid pain meds.)

With 10 people in the living room (one room away, practically the same room - open floor plan), food everywhere, chaos, presents, wrapping paper balls...Violet's place was by my side, in the kitchen. Not even begging. And that is why I love her.

Cassie helped me decorate.

Laying with her head in my lap.

Peep needs a nail trim. I like her feet.

Collie hair on everything, even the Shepherd.

The $400 book Eric didn't think he was going to get. (No, I did not pay $400 for it.)

New shirt.

Our little far.

There will be a present round-up post tomorrow, because they were fantastic.


  1. What a wonderful post! Felt like I was there and I love the last photo of your family. You sound like a wonderful woman to have in the kitchen! It's always heartwarming to read you blog :)

  2. It sure looks like your pack had a pawsome time.

    Essex & Sherman
